
My favorite facial massage and execise

This time, I'm going to introduce you about my favorite facial massage and exercise. I take exercise a little after breakfast every morning and I take facial massage while I take in the bath tub and I take in there every day. I haven't found out the fruit of my effort yet. But I'm often spoken well by my friends recently "Did you lose weight?" and "Your leg is slender!". It's very happy words for me. Get back to what I was writing about, I introduce you about my facial massage and exercise. At the first, my exercise is very easy. First, it stretches oneself while it stands on tiptoe. It's conscious of like that the hands touch the ceiling. Next, the hands touch the floor while it stands up straight. I became that whole my palm of the hand touch the floor because I always take exercise. Then it bends backward and one's upper part rorates right and left.  Lastly, it spins the arms. It’s very easy. I take these exercises every morning while I bathe in the morning sun. I can wake up and feel refreshed. As a result, I can have a bowel movement and I have been in excellent health since I started taking these exercises. And I often take them when I am very tired out as I use the PC and study. As a result, I am able to refresh my body and feeling. Lastly, I introduce you my facial massage. First, it carries the surplur layer from the center of one’s face to the outside with using one’s finger of the second joint. Repeating this massage on the skin around the eyes, cheekbone, cheek and jaw about three times. This massage is painful a little because it uses one’s finger of the second joint and carry layer with pushing. But this massage makes my face refreshed so much. I always take this massage while I take in the bath tub. Next I introduce about the second massage after I take bath. At the first, it pushes the cranium of right and left and in front of the temple and the upper of the ear for that straight the distended cranium. For that it makes eyes big, it pushes up the bones of the eyes with using the thumbs while close one7s eyes. For that it makes nose high, it pulls the nose and the palm of the hand pushes up the forehand with using the thumb and the forefinger. For that it makes the breadth of the face narrowed, it pushes the cheek with using the palm of the hand while it breathes out. For that it makes the cheek small, it pushes the cheek up with using the palm of the hand. I take these facial massages every day. I believe that they have effective for my body!

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