
Revised Placement Essay for WritingⅢ

    Hello! My name is Hinako. Please call me"Hinako". I'm going to introduce myself. I'm nineteen year"s

old. We're a family if four, my father, my mother, my older sister and me. My older sister is six years older

than me but she is shorter than me. And, she often looks youger than me.

   Next, I'm belong to the photo club in my university. We enjoy ourself once a week. And we get along well,

we see each other in the student's dining hall almost every day. My university has many events. What is

particulary big event is a  school festival. Every club opens a store. Everybody cooperates and enjoys and

cements their friendships. Some other place, our club has many evnts once a month. I'm enjoying my campus

life very much.

   Next, I belonged to a Japanese archery club in high school. Japanese archery looks like archery but  bow

is made of wood. I can play Japanese archery but I haven't ever played western archery. What sport  do you

play? Have you ever played archery? And, have you ever visited Japan? I haven't ever visited foreign

countries. I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm looking forward to meeting you.



1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi! I'm Kazumi.
    I'm interested in archery but I've never played it. Please tell me how to play it!
