
Hungry? Not hungry? Which? Which? Which?

I'm drinking afternoon tea now. You too?

I wish you like it too~~~(^///^)

Today, I read about black tea on my smart phone.

There are amaging news.

First, black tea prevents catching cold for a year.

And, prevent decayed tooth and lifestyle-related illnesses.

Next, people drinks black tea while they are on a diet.

That means, it promotes their diet(*O*)!!!!!!!

But, there are attention points.

Don't take milk and sugger with black tea.

I'm going to care of it and I continue to diet.

Black tea is our support.

By the way, are you hungry now?

I don't know that I'm hungry or I'm not hungry(~_~)

Maybe, my stomach is full of water because I'm drinking afternoon tea now.

I'm at a loss that eat dinner or not eat dinner tonight.

It's 19:00 and I'm in the university's library now.

I wanna go back home now but I'm typing this blog.

And, I will be fat if I eat dinner in my home because I will arrive in there about 21:00.

The university is quite a long way from my house.

I think that how wastefulto use money for my dinner so I don't want to eat out so much.

I'm practicing strict economy!

In the end, I'm going to not eat dinner tonight!


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