
BR:1-14 The Little Mermaid

She does not answer, she looks at the ships. (P.14)

This book is different from that we know “The Little Mermaid” of Disney story. But this book’s story is same until the middle. It isn’t a story with a happy end. Disney story we know a little mermaid becomes a human and get married to a man. But the actual situation leaves little room for optimism. She gets a drug from the sea monster to get logs and she drinks it. She swims to the sand and has legs. She speaks to the young man. She likes him, but he likes another girl. Finally, she returns to the sea and she is a mermaid again. It’s pathetic story. I was disappointed because I was in expectation of a story with a happy end. I felt like that I was disappointed in live. I’m not fallen in love now. I would like to be in happy love. Everybody will want to be in happy love. But all people can be disappointed in love. I often hear that disappointed love makes people grow up. Useless things aren’t surely exist. So, I would like to be fallen in love as hard as I could at any time. In that case, I believe in that I will be able to fallen in love and get married to a man I like very much.

Reference  Nicolas Taylor  (us born: London) (2000)


3 件のコメント:

  1. 返信
    1. Sahooooooooo!
      Thank you for your comment.
      I read your tweet every time.

  2. I like this story, too.
    I want to see Little Mermaid.
